GMG have a new partnership in place with sustainability experts Zellar.
Through this partnership we are able to provide Golf Clubs with a brand new online digital sustainability platform that provides everything a golf club needs to plan, activate, measure, report and share its sustainability journey.
If Golf Clubs follow Zellar’s 'sustainability plan' they can reduce its energy consumption by up to 33% and unlock estimated savings of up to £4,100 year.
All GMG partner Golf Clubs are able to take advantage of an opportunity to grab an exclusive 10% discount to use the online portal.
Clubs simply need to head to the sign-up page and your discount will be automatically added. Want to see a demo of the portal? Click for a video of the portal in action >>
Supported by England Golf, the online sustainability platform helps organisations to calculate and understand their carbon emissions and then build an achievable plan to reduce them, based on their size and sector. Every completed action on your Zellar plan is rewarded with points. These go towards an overall Zellar score that organisations can share so that the outside world can see their progress.
By helping Golf Clubs to minimise their energy, waste and water usage; identify and invest in green technology and find biodiversity and volunteering projects, each unique Zellar plan has the power to reduce emissions, costs and environment impact.
Over 70 Golf and Sport Clubs, have already joined Zellar’s rapidly growing community of over 1,000 UK organisations. Together, they’ve been inspired to make 230 operational changes and 350 energy checks that will deliver crucial energy and cost savings. As well as investing over £500,000 in energy saving green technologies, such as solar panels and electric vehicle charging units.
Why not get started now? Click here or the image below, you 10% discount will automatically be added.
Need a detailed Energy Audit? GMG can also provide this, to explore more click here >>
England Golf's objective is to support 1.8k affiliated clubs to lead a positive contribution toward environment, society and economy. The aim is to help clubs; reduce carbon emissions, conserve/reduce water, energy efficiency and renewables, Increase biodiversity, improve reputation and image and save money!

Chobham Golf Club is one example of a business working with us and have put in place;
- A sustainability Champion
- LED lighting
- A solar installation
- Green energy
- Smart meters.
By doing this Chobham Golf Club has seen;
- A 35% reduction in annual tCO2
- A 3% reduction in energy consumption
- £3.5k savings in year 1 (excludes solar benefit)
- The solar installation is on track to reduce Chobham Golf Club's energy costs by 40% in subsequent years